"As the world speaks less of Jesus Christ, let us speak more of Him."
Neil L. Andersen -October 2020 General Conference
Do you feel like everyone around you knows more about Jesus Christ than you? Do you want to share more specific ways Jesus has helped you relating to His many names?
Do you have a hard time finding where to start learning more about Jesus Christ? Do you worry you may not enjoy studying because you will get caught in the same ol' study rut?
Does a very intimate relationship with the Savior scare you? What if you have always wanted to have a personal relationship but don't know how to be that close to the Divine?
"The world is moving away from the Lord faster and farther than ever before. .... 'The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles' was prepared in advance of when we will need it most." (October 2013 General Conference)
Robert D. Hales -October 2013 General Conference
The Introduction includes:
1. Information and quotes about the many names of Jesus Christ.
2. An introduction to the 8 Learning Styles
3. Many ways to study the Names of Christ using learning styles
Each section is 30+ pages with the following topics for each name of Christ:
-General Conference talks
-Other Talks and Devotionals
-Reflection Questions
This study guide will help you see Jesus Christ as:
“Believe On My Name: Names of Christ Study Guide”–in just 15-20 minutes each day, you can read and study a name of Christ and have a variety of options to study that fit the way you learn best. You can start looking forward to your name of Christ study.
I created the “Believe On My Name: Names of Christ Study Guide” for you
I have been a serious student of the scriptures for the past 30 years. I love learning and teaching. As a former kindergarten teacher, I have taught in a variety of ways to reach each student according to their learning styles. I have realized that learning styles are part of our gospel study also.
I want you to:
Wondering if the “Believe On My Name: Names of Christ Study Guide” will work for you?