“A Living Prophet for the Latter Days” by Allen D. Haynie
40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 6 TALK: “A Living Prophet for the Latter Days” by Allen D. Haynie QUOTE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST: “A prophet
40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 6 TALK: “A Living Prophet for the Latter Days” by Allen D. Haynie QUOTE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST: “A prophet
40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 5 TALK: “Safely Gathered Home” by Quentin L. Cook QUOTE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST: “I bear my sure and certain
40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 4 TALK: “Ministering” by Gerrit W. Gong QUOTE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST: “Our Savior is our perfect example. Because He
40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 3 TALK: “Just Keep Going—with Faith” by Carl B. Cook QUOTE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST: “The God of heaven and
40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 2 TALK: “Never Give Up an Opportunity to Testify of Christ” by Bonnie H. Cordon QUOTE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST:
40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 31 TALK: “Peacemakers Needed” by Russell M. Nelson QUOTE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST: “As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are
Even a few verses of scripture can have a big impact on your life. Discover why quality is more important than quantity when it comes
40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 1 TALK: “The Greatest Easter Story Ever Told” by Gary E. Stevenson QUOTE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST: “Because of Jesus
Easter is a time of joy and celebration, a time to reflect on the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is important for families
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Identify your learning styles and find joy in your scripture study
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Quickly identify your dominant scripture study style
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