

I Believe you can love scripture study

I know you think that only gospel scholars or seminary teachers love studying the scriptures but I want to show you, that with the right tools, you can look forward to reading the scriptures every day.

What are Learning Styles?

Identify your learning styles and find joy in your scripture study

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I know why scripture study is so challenging

The language of the scriptures is so hard to understand

It's hard to find time to study

Not everyone loves to read

Reading scriptures can be boring

I have ways to help you:

Identify your personal learning styles

Once you know your personal learning styles (and you can have more than one), then I can help you find ways to study the scriptures that you really enjoy and fit your lifestyle.

Use topical study guides catered to all learning styles

I offer study guides with suggestions of a variety to ways to study along with resources to use that fit all 8 learning styles.

By raise of hand...do you sometimes..

Read because you feel like you have to in order to be a good person?​

Read because you want to follow the prophet?​

Read to check off a box on our “to do ” list?​

I understand because I could raise my hand to each question at different times in my life too!

A few years ago, I was in your shoes

I was a busy mom of three little girls. I was lucky if I read a few verses of scripture before I crashed into bed each night. I always made sure I read something so I could check scripture reading off my "to do" list. I wasn't getting much of anything out of my reading but it was done.

Little by little things changed

I started listening to conference talks and scriptures while I cleaned and folded laundry. I started attending a local institute class while my youngest was at preschool. I began to realize that connecting with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ did not require me to also sit in complete silence with my scriptures and a red pencil.

And now I finally understand

Recently I discovered the magic of wide-margin scriptures where I add artwork, quotes and personal thoughts as I study. I have gained additional clarity and understanding listening to podcasts. I enjoy meeting with friends to discuss conference talks. I am using multiple learning styles each day to connect myself with the divine and it has made all the difference! I LOVE IT!

What are Learning Styles?

Identify your learning styles and find joy in your scripture study

Thank you for joining my email list! I can’t wait to spoil you and promise to keep your email address private!

Where to find me:

The Blog

Posts focus on how to use learning styles to study General Conference talks, the names of Christ, and much, much, more.


Posts have easy ways to implement learning styles in your gospel studies.


Slides, stories, and highlights share quick tips about each learning style along with IGTV learning videos.


Pinterest boards for General Conference, Names of Christ, Scripture Study, Learning Styles, Christ in the Topical Guide, and more.

How I can help you

Learning Style Inventory

A learning style inventory "test" which will help you determine your gospel learning styles in order of dominance. When you know your personal learning styles (and that of your family), you can then find ways to study that truly help you understand and enjoy reading the scriptures and studying the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Topical Study Guides

A variety of study guides are available for purchase which have plenty of study options for each learning style. Additional study guides are added regularly. Check back often for more topical study guides.

I believe you can find ways to study that you love! You truly can find joy in gospel study!

“For my soul delighteth in plainness; for after this manner doth the Lord God work among the children of men. For the Lord God giveth light unto the understanding; for he speaketh unto men according to their language, unto their understanding.” (2 Nephi 31:3).  Your gospel learning language is your gospel learning styles!

God speaks to you in your language! And God believes in you too!

And so does our prophet, Russell M. Nelson. He recently invited us to “Become an engaged learner. Immerse yourself in the scriptures to understand better Christ’s mission and ministry.” I know you can become a more engaged learner as you study more in your dominate learning style.

What are Learning Styles?

Identify your learning styles and find joy in your scripture study

Thank you for joining my email list! I can’t wait to spoil you and promise to keep your email address private!

Related Posts:

What are Learning Styles?

Identify your learning styles and find joy in your scripture study

Thank you for joining my email list! I can’t wait to spoil you and promise to keep your email address private

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