Come, Follow Me and Nature Learners studying the New Testament

There are so many resources available to help us study and learn from the New Testament with Come, Follow Me this year, especially as Nature Learners.

Are you a nature learner? Do you know a nature learner? Are your children, spouse, or class members nature learners? If so, here are some amazing resources you can use today to reach the nature learners in your life.

Nature Learners: Characteristics and Attributes

Before sharing all the resources, let’s review a few characteristics and attributes of our Nature Learners.

Everything outside appeals to nature learners: plants, animals, weather patterns, space, and seasons. Mountains and plains, oceans and streams, sunlight and moonlight, light and dark. Nature learners want to be outside as much as possible. They enjoy finding patterns in nature and understand the cycles of life.

There are several things nature learners can do to enhance their scripture study. They can look for descriptions of the setting for scripture stories, they can highlight how people travel, or gather food. Nature learners can listen to the scriptures while gardening or mowing the lawn (my husband’s favorite time). They can read their scriptures outside or sit near a window and study. A nature learner could pet their cat or dog as they read.

New Testament Study Resources for Nature Learners

Here are several resource available that will be great for Nature Learners. Keep in mind that most resources incorporate more than one learning style. This will be helpful to know since most families and classes include many different types of learners. Each resource will include a section of all the learning styles that are easily present in each resource.

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has provided us with manuals and materials to study Come, Follow Me individually, with our families, and in our callings. Each manual is available for free on the Gospel Library App and at churchofjesuschrist.org. The scriptures, along with these manuals, are our greatest resources available to read and study the New Testament.

Getting ourselves and our families into the scriptures, finding Jesus Christ, and experiencing true conversion are our top priorities as we study Come, Follow Me.

The resources provided for us, incorporate all eight learning styles in various ways in each weeks reading assignments. If you are interested in seeing how each study idea uses the learning styles, sign up for my Free “Come, Follow Me and Learning Styles Weekly Guide” that will be emailed each Monday morning HERE.


Many ideas in the New Testament Come, Follow Me Manual reference the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus used ordinary things in nature to teach including the wheat and the tares, sheep and goats, water and wine, and more.

"Come, Follow Me" and Learning Styles

A weekly guide of the learning styles used in each lesson in the "Come, Follow Me--For Individuals and Families", CFM for Primary, CFM for Sunday School, and CFM for YM and YW.

A weekly download identifying all the learning styles for each weekly study topic to help you plan your weekly study.

I will send you regular emails designed to help you love your gospel study.  No spam. Promise.


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There are many other free resources available to supplement your New Testament Come, Follow Me study this year.

Here are just a few:


All of the church magazines mention ordinary things found on the earth to teach principles of the gospel like seeds, the sea, and seasons.


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Gerald Lund wrote a historical fiction series, “The Kingdom and the Crown”, all about the life of Jesus Christ.

Fishers of Men” (affiliate link) is the first in the triology, with “Come Unto Me” and “Behold the Man” the other books in the series.  This takes you through the life and times of Jesus Christ in story form.


Historical fiction appeals to all learning styles as you walk the road of Palestine with Jesus Christ. This series visually shows you the places Christ lived.


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Women of the New Testament” (affiliate link) by Camille Fronk Olson will aide in your study of the women of the New Testament. This resource includes all the women mentioned in the New Testament, named and unnamed. It includes women by themselves or in large groups, women who followed Jesus Christ and those who didn’t. This book includes historical context, paintings, maps, questions to ponder, charts, timelines, and so much more to help in your understanding of the women in the New Testament.


Read how women interacted with Jesus in their ordinary, daily tasks and routines while getting water or gathering food.


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Walking with the Women of the New Testament” (affiliate link) by Heather Farrell is another great resource to study the lives of women mentioned in the New Testament. This book gives study helps and reflection questions to ask yourself as you learn about the women. This book contains photographs, charts, notes, and commentary to learn of the many women in the New Testament. Also included is a chart to show which women portrayed each of the Young Women Values of Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity, and Virtue.


Study the lives of women in the New Testament and read how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ show up in each of their stories while caring for themselves and their families.


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The Red Headed Hostess offers weekly scripture kits which includes resources for all ages, and includes all eight learning styles. Each kit contains study pages, (which explain the verses and include quotes from prophets and apostles), artwork to go with the week’s lesson, activity pages (for all age and ability levels), weekly scripture stickers, games, teen study pages, and more. Specific study books are also available for adults, teens, older children, and younger children that can be used all year long.


Each weekly scripture kit using includes study pages to learn more Jesus Christ and where He lived and taught.


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Creative Come, Follow Me” is a course created by Maria Eckersley at meckmom.com. She shares a weekly video to share insights from each Come, Follow Me lesson block of scripture. Maria includes quotes, explanations, and historical background so you understand the scriptures better. Her extensive notes are available as part of the course. Maria also shares three creative ways to teach the scriptures to your family each week. These include crafts, object lessons, food, challenges, and more. Each week’s creative ideas incorporate different learning styles.


Items from nature are used in many of the creative teaching ideas and object lessons.


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Camille Gil at Chicken Scratch N Sniff offers many gospel games that can be played as a family, in church classes, or with a group of friends. The games teach gospel doctrines and principles in fun, interactive ways which can supplement any Come, Follow Me lesson and for all age groups.


Games centered around things in nature are part of the games used to teach the New Testament.


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Let’s Learn Together New Testament” (affiliate link) by Rebecca Irvine is the another great resource to study the New Testament. This book includes 155 entries that include people, places, parables, miracles, and events from the New Testament. Included in each entry are descriptions and brief summaries of each topic, conversation starters, and activities for children related to the topic. The activities throughout the book incorporate all eight learning styles (though not all are included in each topic).


Entries include information about the cities and places found in the New Testament.


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The “Come, Follow Me Study Journals” for the New Testament by Aretta Jarvis at myupsidedownumbrella.com are great to record thoughts and impressions while studying the New Testament. Each week pages includes a place to record events, people, gospel truths, inspiring words, favorite verses, thoughts and impressions, plus action items from each weeks reading. There are several cover options–one for every member of the family.


Record and write personal thoughts and insights from your daily study related to nature.


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New Testament for Latter-day Saint Families” (affiliate link) by Thomas R. Valletta is another great resource for families to use while reading the New Testament. This nice, hard cover book can be placed on a table in your living room as a visual reminder to read the New Testament. This book contains maps, photographs, commentary, definitions, and clarifications to better understand the New Testament.


Read, understand, and discuss the New Testament together paying attention to the descriptions of the geographical places.


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“The New Testament Study Guide: Start to Finish” by Thomas R. Valletta is a great commentary to use to read and study the New Testament simultaneously. This commentary includes the complete text of the New Testament along with commentary, quotes, and insights included in the margins.

A few charts, graphs, and photographs are also included along with an extensive index.


Find references to nature in the words of scripture and gain additional insights and understanding all in one book. A great resource for  your daily, personal study.


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The Parables of Jesus” by Gerald N. Lund explores the parables of the New Testament. It is a great companion to your study of the New Testament. This book divides the parables into four categories: “Our Relationship with Diety”, “Gospel Application”, “Ministering”, and “Preparation for Christ’s Coming”. The book has a chapter for 18 parables explaining the  context and setting, analysis, and application of each parable.


A great companion to your study of the New Testament that focuses on parables which have things from nature as the basis for many parables..

"Come, Follow Me" and Learning Styles

A weekly guide of the learning styles used in each lesson in the "Come, Follow Me--For Individuals and Families", CFM for Primary, CFM for Sunday School, and CFM for YM and YW.

A weekly download identifying all the learning styles for each weekly study topic to help you plan your weekly study.

I will send you regular emails designed to help you love your gospel study.  No spam. Promise.

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