How do you like to study the Word of God?
Is there another way you would like to try?
We all need to find ways to “give place” for the word of God to enter our hearts and minds. Sometimes we make finding time to read and study the scripture so hard—we think we need to sit down, in total silence, at a clean desk for 30 minutes to an hour to get in a good scripture study session.
Have you ever felt this way?
I have!!!
I felt this way for years—especially after returning home from a full-time mission where my study time was scheduled for me.

Over the years I have been able to shift my thinking and now I don’t believe this to be true—I think we all need to find what works best for us in every season of our life.
For me, some days I have really short study sessions while some days I have longer –and honestly, some days it doesn’t happen.
When my children were young, I was lucky to get in a few verses each night before I crashed into bed.
While listening to a podcast recently, I heard a tip I wish I had known when I was a young mother–Emily Belle Freeman shared how she always leave the scriptures open—as she would pass by them during the day, she would read a verse or two to think about and then continue doing her household responsibilities. Every time she passed her open book of scripture, she would read another verse or two to ponder.
What a brilliant idea! Where was this tip when my children were younger?
Now that my daughters are all in school, I find pockets of time throughout my day to “give place” and incorporate several of the ideas I will be sharing. And like I said earlier, some days are better than others.
My daughters all play soccer. I spend a lot of time in my car driving them to and from practices and games. Usually, their practices are 15-20 minutes away from home so it is easier for me to stay during their practice (by the time I would get home it would be time to turn around to pick them up again). Many times, I take my scriptures, a General Conference talk, or a book with me so I can read and study while they practice.
This is the season of my life right now but I encourage you to find what works best for you in your season of life. When can you “give place” for the word?
I will be sharing ways to study the scriptures that fit your personal learning styles. I will share 9 ways to study the scriptures that incorporate each learning style. You will quickly notice that the Linguistic Learning Style is in everything–that is because the Linguistic learning style is reading and listening–the two ways we can learn from the scriptures.

These tips and practices will aid in acquiring gospel knowledge and to “give place” for the Word of God in your heart and mind. These tips can be used for scriptures, Come Follow Me lessons, General Conference talks, articles in the church magazine, books, devotionals, podcasts, and so much more. I will use the word scriptures but know the same principles will apply to whatever source you choose to study and gain information.
For a brief overview of the 8 learning styles
and their icons visit my Learning Styles Page.

You can read out loud or silently (using a physical or digital copy–website or App). Hearing the words as you read out loud can help with understanding. Reading slowly and pausing between phrases or ideas can allow ideas to come together in your heart and mind also. Read while walking on a treadmill or stationary bike (be careful on these ones), or while folding laundry.

Have your scriptures open and follow along as you listen to the words on Gospel Library or the Gospel Library App

Read one or two verses of scripture (or a small scripture block) at a time. After reading, take time to ponder the verse you have read while doing another activity (ex. cleaning,
driving, taking care of your children, exercising, etc.) Try to find personal application for you, your family, or a friend.

While reading the scriptures, mark and underline words and phrases that stand out. You can be very methodical in the colors you use or the things you are looking for.

Using a wide margin scripture journal, draw or doodle as you read. Write phrases that stand out and draw a frame or picture around them. Use lots of colors to mark what you read. You can listen to the scriptures and doodle while you listen too. Even if you are not artistic, you can draw a heart in the
margins of a verse you love or draw an arrow or put a cloud bubble around a phrase you like.

Read the scriptures out loud with a family member or friend.

Move your body while you listen to the scriptures. Listen while cleaning, folding, laundry, driving, crafting, making dinner, etc.

Go outside and read or listen to the scriptures You can listen outside while gardening, raking leaves, or watching your children play.

Which way would you like to study today? What additional ideas come to your mind and heart that you would like to try? I'd love to hear your ideas in the comments below.

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2 thoughts on “9 Ways to “Give Place” for the Word of God in your Heart and Mind”
Love this Erin. I am sitting waiting to pick up my littles and following you suggestion.
I do the same ALL THE TIME Darinda! So grateful the scriptures and conference talks are so portable–they are always in the palm of our hand. Thank you for following along! Much love!!