a quote
“May we always remember that each spirit child of God is coming to earth on his or her own personal journey. May we welcome them, safeguard them, and always love them. As you receive these precious children in the Savior’s name and help them in their eternal journey, I promise you that the Lord will bless you and shower His love and approval upon you.”
an invitation
“What is our responsibility as peaceful disciples of Jesus Christ? Let us live God’s commandments, teach them to our children, and share them with others who are willing to listen. Let us share our deep feelings about the sanctity of life with those who make decisions in society. They may not fully appreciate what we believe, but we pray that they will more fully understand why, for us, these decisions go well beyond just what a person wants for his or her own life.”

a promise/blessing
a question
What has been your journey so far as a child of God?

and a study idea
LINGUISTIC LEARNERS- Take time to learn all you can from the footnotes—a wealth of information.
MUSICAL LEARNERS- Listen to or play your favorite version of “I Am A Child of God.”
Additional Resources:
- Relief Society Lesson and Printables at Love, Pray, Teach
- Conference Quotes at A Lively Hope
A 50+ page workbook will help you read, study, and record insights from each General Conference talk from April 2021 while using the 8 learning styles. .