a quote
“After our baptism, we truly started to progressively have a new lifestyle because of the restored gospel. The words of Christ began to enlarge our souls. They began to enlighten our understanding and became delicious to us, as the truths that we received were discernible and we could see the light, and this light grew brighter and brighter daily.”
an invitation
“Jesus Christ is the light that shines in darkness. Those who follow Him “shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12)… Jesus Christ is the light that we should hold up even during the dark times of our mortal life (see 3 Nephi 18:24).”

a promise/blessing
a question
How are you following the Light of the World?

and a study idea
INTRAPERSONAL LEARNERS- Take time to ponder why you live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Record your thoughts and feelings in your journal.
Additional Resources:
- Conference Quotes at A Lively Hope
- Three thoughts, two quotes and an affirmation (with printable) at Work and Wonder
A 50+ page workbook will help you read, study, and record insights from each General Conference talk from April 2021 while using the 8 learning styles. .

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