a quote
“..the instruments we need to create a brighter day and grow an economy of genuine goodness in society are abundantly provided for in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We cannot afford—and this world cannot afford—our failure to put these gospel concepts and fortifying covenants to full use personally and publicly.”
an invitation
“In spite of frightful prophecies and unsettling scriptures declaring that peace will be taken from the earth generally, the prophets, including our own beloved Russell M. Nelson, have taught that it does not have to be taken from us individually! So, this Easter let’s try to practice peace in a personal way, applying the grace and healing balm of the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ to ourselves and our families and all those we can reach around us. Fortunately, even astonishingly, this soothing salve is made available to us ‘without money and without price.’”

a promise/blessing
“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. …
“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. …
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:1, 18, 27)
“Challenging times come in this mortal world, including to the faithful, but the reassuring message of Christ is that although He, the paschal lamb, would go like ‘a sheep before [its] shearers,’ (Isaiah 53:7) He would nevertheless rise, as the psalmist said, to be ‘our refuge and strength, [our] very present help in [times of] trouble.’ (Psalm 46:1)”
a question
Where do you find peace?
How can I more fully live together in love with all people?

and a study idea
LINGUISTIC LEARNERS-Make a list of powerful phrases in this talk to ponder.
MUSICAL LEARNERS: Listen to “Peace in Christ” –the 2018 Youth Theme Song. Make a playlist of other songs that bring peace to your heart and mind.
Additional Resources:
- Relief Society Lesson and Printables at Love, Pray, Teach
- Summary, Discussion Questions and Action Steps at Practical Dreamers
- 5 Highlights and Discussion Questions at Divine Code
- Conference Quotes at A Lively Hope
- Conference Quotes at My Computer is My Canvas
- Three thoughts, two quotes and an affirmation (with printable) at Work and Wonder (coming soon)
A 50+ page workbook will help you read, study, and record insights from each General Conference talk from April 2021 while using the 8 learning styles. .