Living Water Names of Christ daily devotional blog

Living Water: “Keeping Christ in Christmas” 2021 Daily Devotional Day 20

A short daily devotional to Keep Christ in Christmas focusing on the name: Living Water. Devotional includes a scripture, a quote, a quote from the October 2021 General Conference, a song or hymn plus reflection/discussion questions.


John 4:14– “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”


“Do you seek peace of mind?

Drink deeply of living waters.

Do you seek forgiveness? Peace? Understanding? Joy?

Drink deeply of living waters.” -Joseph B. Wirthlin, “The Abundant Life”, April 2006 General Conference


“..focus on Jesus Christ. While Peter kept his eyes focused on Jesus, he could walk on water. The storm, the waves, and the wind could not hinder him as long he centered his focus on the Savior.” – Alvin F. Meredith III, “Look Down the Road”, October 2021 General Conference


“Living Water” by Calee Reed


How is Jesus Christ my Living Water?


How can I allow more “living water” to come into my life?

{DISCLAIMER:}  Affiliate Links may be used in this post of which I may receive a small commission. The price does not change for you. I only recommend products and tools I use or would use myself.

Deseret Book sells a simple, yet beautiful “Names of Christ Star Ornament Set” (12-piece set) can be used all year round (Christmas, Easter, and just every day).

These ornaments are perfect to have a visual reminder as you study each of the names of Jesus Christ. 

Each name can be displayed during your daily devotional for all to see.

The names included in this set are: Advocate, Counsellor, Creator, King of Kings, Lamb of God, Living Water, Lord Almighty, Messiah, Prince of Peace, Purifier, Redeemer, and Sanctuary.


  • Christmas Tree
  • Mantle
  • Ornament Hook
  • Doorknob
  • Bookshelf
  • Nightstand or dresser


  • Advocate
  • Counsellor
  • Creator
  • King of Kings
  • Lamb of God
  • Living Water
  • Lord Almighty 
  • Messiah
  • Prince of Peace
  • Purifier
  • Redeemer
  • Sanctuary

Would you like 12 quick, daily devotionals all ready to go?

You can check out the “12 Days of Christ Devotionals” in my shop. Each devotional includes a definition, scripture, quote, hymn or song, link to artwork, link to a video plus a reflection/discussion question.

Daily devotionals compliment the “Names of Christ Star Ornament Set“.

Believe on My Name

–a 400+ page deep dive study guide of 12 Names of Christ.


Looking for MORE–a deeper study of the Names of Jesus Christ? I have several products in my shop–a bundle plus individual name studies. Each study guide includes definitions, quotes, scriptures, music, artwork, videos, questions, places for notes and so much more.


– 45+ page single name of Christ deep dive study guide.

"Names of Christ" Blank Devotional Sheet

A single page devotional sheet for your study of "Names of Christ" to use for His many names.

A 1-page devotional sheet FREE for you in two styles!

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