So happy you are here! Ready to hear from 17 amazing women who have found their way to Jesus through the power of scripture study?
Our experts each share small and simple ways to build relationships with Heavenly Father and Jesus through their words in the scriptures in their own unique way.
Our prayer is that you will find a way to Seek Jesus that resonates with you!
“Using the 3 Pure Sources of Truth in my Daily Scripture Study”
“5 Simple Ways to Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ Online”
“’Be Thou My Vision’: Divine Connection through Music and Art”
“Quick and Easy Scripture Study using the Sword Method”
“Power can be found in Consistently Studying the Scriptures by Topic”
“Finding Joy in Personal and Group Scripture Study as an Empty Nesters”
“Recognizing the Miracles Jesus is Performing in our Everyday Lives”
“Easy Ways to have Simple and Sustainable Family Scripture Study”
“Helpful Ways to Study your Patriarchal Blessing- A Personal Guide and Liahona”
“Simple Ways to Personally Worship Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Each Day”
“3 Flexible Ways to Connect with God with any Amount of Time”
“To Share Truth, we must Know the True Words of Christ”
“Co-Creating with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Using Your Personal Gifts”
“Making the Scriptures Come Alive for your Family and those you Teach”
“Creative Ways to Connect to Heavenly Father and Christ through Scripture Study”
“How to Intentionally Improve the time Before and After Scripture Study”
“Creating a Personal Relationship with your Savior through Daily Scripture Study”
Keep all your materials together and easy to find and use each week as you study.
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