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This week I have a special offer just for YOU!!!
You can ORDER the "40-Day General Conference Study Guide"--that compliments the "40 Day General Conference Reading Schedule for a special introductory price.

This is a ONE TIME lowest price offer for the October 2021 Study Guide!

Lowest price ever



Do you ever feel like this about
studying General Conference talks?

You get bored easily

Do you feel like reading General Conference talks is the last thing you want to do? Does your mind wander while reading? Do you have a hard time understanding what you are reading?

You are tired of "reading"

Do you feel like reading General Conference talks is the same day after day after day? Do you wish there were other ways to uplift your spirit that didn't always involve reading?

You can't find time to study

Do you have a hard time finding time to study General Conference talks with kids, carpools, sports, dinner prep, music lessons, and everything else you need to do?

The "40-Day General Conference Study Guide" will help you...


Look forward to your daily study of General Conference talks as you find ways to study that match your personal learning styles



Lowest price ever

Reading a Conference Talk every day

Erin (creator of “Seek This Jesus Study”), because of your invitation, two and a half years ago I started reading a conference talk every day with my scripture study. I just change to the latest conference every 6 months. I usually get through each talk 4-5 times. It’s been one of the most measurable spiritual learning exercises and personal revelatory experiences of my life. Thank you for leading out.💛💛💛—Stacey S.

“…one of the most measurable spiritual learning exercises and personal revelatory experiences of my life”

Stacey S.

There are two ways that the "40-Day General Conference Study Guide" is different from other ebooks.

Customized learning style study suggestion specific for each talk

15+ links to other General Conference Study Resources

As you apply what you learn from the "40-Day Genereal Conferenc Study Guide", you will:

Here is what's included in the "40-Day General Conference Study Guide"

Two different reading schedules are included

1. A one-page reading schedule with the date, the talk and the speaker. Each talk is linked to the website where you can read, listen to or watch the General Conference talk. There is also one page of ways to read and study General Conference talk using the 8 Learning Styles (2 ideas for each learning style).

2. Bookmark Reading Schedule- the bookmark can be printed on cardstock with the reading schedule on one side and learning style suggestions on the back. There is a box to check after you read each talk.

A study guide page for each day of the 40 day challenge (one talk per day). Each page has 2-3 discussion/reflection questions, a place for notes, and a learning style study tip specific to each talk.

There is a list of 15+ General Conference resources to aid in your study (most are Free). Also included are ideas of how to mark General Conference talks.

Are you ready to study the October 2021 General Conference talks in 40 days?



This is the lowest price ever on the 40-Day General Conference Study Guide for October 2021. In just 15-20 minutes each day, you can read and study a General Conference talk and have a variety of options to study that fit the way you learn best. You can start looking forward to your daily General Conference talk study time.

"40-Day General Conference Study Guide" Sections:



Lowest Price ever

I'm Erin

I created the “40-Day General Conferene Study Guide” for you

I have been a serious student of the scriptures for the past 30 years. I love learning and teaching. As a former kindergarten teacher, I have taught in a variety of ways to reach each student according to their learning styles. I have realized that learning styles are part of our gospel study also.

I want you to:

  • find joy in studying General Conference talks
  • look forward to your study time each day
  • find “new” ways to study General Conference talks  that you truly love

Is the "40-Day General Conference Study Guide" Right for you?

Wondering if the “40-Day General Conference Study Guide” will work for you?

The "40-Day General Conference Study Guide" IS for:
The "40-Day General Conference Study Guide" is NOT for:



Lowest price ever

This is you last change to get the LOWEST price ever on the "40-Day General Conference Study Guide"



Lowest price ever

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