8 quick ideas to make general conference more enjoyable

8 Quick Ideas to Make General Conference More Enjoyable

Making General Conference Enjoyable for YOU and your Family

General Conference is a much-awaited event for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is a time when the prophet, his counselors, and other leaders share messages that inspire and help us become better. However, for some, the thought of sitting down for hours watching conference talks can be daunting, especially when you have young children to take care of. I understand this struggle all too well. But over the years, I have learned some tips that can make General Conference weekend more enjoyable. Here are eight quick ways to make the most out of General Conference.

  1. Clear your calendar: Try and not plan other activities and events during General Conference. This will allow you to focus on the messages and teachings shared during the sessions. If this is not doable due to prior commitments, plan a day the following week to sit down and watch the session you missed.
  2. Plan treats and meals: General Conference is all about the treats and meals. Buy special treats to eat as you watch conference together. As much as possible, purchase and prepare simple meals ahead of time. We love “Monkey Bread” at our house on Sunday morning.
  3. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your family: Is this year a time you just need to listen? Do you need to write down impression for each talk? Do you want to take notes? If you have little children, remember they have short attention spans. What do you expect of your children? Be okay with how everyone around you chooses to watch conference.
  4. Prepare and plan during conference activities: If you are a note taker, have your notebook and pens ready to go. If you enjoy coloring during conference, print out coloring pages now and gather colored pencils. If you allow your children to do quiet activities, gather them now.
  5. Review talks from last General Conference: If you have been following along with the 40-Day General Conference Challenge, this is already done. You could listen to one or two favorite talks from last conference to prepare you for this conference.
  6. Plan to go outside between sessions: Go for a quick walk as a family or play in the backyard. Let everyone get their wiggles out so they are ready for the next session.
  7. Create a comfortable atmosphere: Make sure everyone has a comfortable spot to sit, with pillows and blankets. You could also light candles or diffuse essential oils to create a relaxing atmosphere.
  8. Engage in post-conference discussions: After each session, discuss the talks and messages shared as a family. This will help everyone better understand and apply the teachings in their lives.

General Conference is a time of spiritual rejuvenation. By following these tips, you can make the most out of this experience and create lasting memories with your family. Remember to set realistic expectations, plan activities, and create a comfortable atmosphere. I hope these tips help you and your family enjoy General Conference even more. What are some of your favorite tips for General Conference? Share them with me in the comments below!



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