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9 Simple Scripture Study Ideas Using Your Personal Learning Styles

#1 Listen to an audio version of the scriptures

You can listen while gardening or doing yard work. (or General Conference talk or an uplifting podcast)This idea is perfect for Intrapersonal (self reflective), Kinesthetic (tactile and movement), Linguistic (listening), Musical (listening to rhythm) and Naturalistic (being in nature) learners.

What is your favorite thing to listen to while working outside?

#2 Walk and meditate

Go for a walk or run outside with no airpods, no music, no podcast– just you and your thoughts with Heavenly Father.

Can you do it?

Just take time to think, meditate, ponder and be with yourself and with God. Take time to pray and converse in your mind about whatever is on your mind. You might be amazed at the inspiration and revelation that comes. 


This idea is perfect for Intrapersonal (self reflective), Kinesthetic (tactile and movement), Linguistic (listening), Musical (listening to rhythm) and Naturalistic (being in nature) learners.

What revelation, inspiration, and clarity has come when you exercise alone?

#3 Read an article from an uplifting magazine

Read an article from the Liahona magazine, For the Strength of Youth magazine, The Friend magazine, Work and Wonder Collective, Latter-Day Woman Digital Magazine, a Christian magazine, etc. while eating breakfast or lunch. Think about and ponder the message from the article you read throughout the day. You could also share what you learned with a family member or friend if the opportunity arises. If the article brings a past experience to mind or prompts you to do something, take a minute to quickly write it down on piece of paper or in your phone and act on it.

What uplifting magazines do you like to read?

#4 Memorize a scripture verse 

Memorizing a new scripture verse to repeat over and over again in your mind is easy to do when days are busy (you could even find a little song to sing the words to the scripture to help in memorizing).

 Find a new verse each day or a new verse each week.

If you can, print it out and hang it on your mirror, put in your car and a place where you will see it frequently. Add it as the wallpaper on your phone or the screen saver on your computer. This will give you a verse of scripture to really ponder and understand.

There are many free scripture memorization apps and scripture memorization cards available free online to print. If you have additional time, you could look up the definitions of words, write a summary of the scripture in your own words or share it with a family and friends.

There are free cards with a Doctrine and Covenants scripture per week that follow the Come, Follow Me lessons I have used from @comefollowmefhe

What is your favorite scripture?

#5 Read verses about a specific topic from the Topical Guide.

Read verses about a specific topic from the Topical Guide. 


Find a way to share what you are learning. You could share your feelings on social media, write your feelings in a journal, share thoughts with a loved one or create a piece of art or music too.

What has been your favorite topic to study?

#6 Listen to a favorite song and study its words and meaning

Study the words and meaning of a favorite  song.

 Ponder the words throughout the day.

If you have additional time, find out the circumstances why the song was written.

Take time to reflect why this song is meaningful to you and record your thoughts (a short statement or longer depending on time). Share your thoughts with someone else too.

If the song is in the hymn book, read the scriptures that are listed with the song.

On Sunday, Independence Day, we stood and sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” in our sacrament meeting. This song brought three distinct memories to my mind.

  • August 1990 while carrying the American flag before my high school’s football game before our national anthem was sung. I was a mess just learning hours before that my dad had been called into active duty for the U.S. Army Reserves.
  • July 4, 1991 at the Stadium of Fire in Provo, Utah where military families where honored after Operation Desert Shield/Operation Desert Storm and we sang “The Star-Spangled Banner”
  • December 1996 while visiting Fort McHenry where Francis Scott Key wrote “The Star-Spangled Banner” and standing and listening to all four verses of the song while looking over the Chesapeake Bay at the American flag.
What is your favorite song?

#7 Open your scripture to a random page and read.

Just open your scriptures and read (or close your eyes and randomly click a book of scripture and chapter). Have you ever done this and found something you needed to read that day? There is something in the surprise and in the suspense! Have fun with this!

What is your favorite book of scripture?

#8 Create a summer study schedule that is flexible.

Things come up unexpectedly ALL THE TIME!!!

Just today, my plans have totally changed—everything I had planned to do today is now on the backburner and I am spending quality time with family and friends—exactly where I should be—strengthening relationships.


If you know your daughter has soccer practice every Tuesday and Thursday evening and you sit and wait in the car (because by the time you drive home, it’s time to turn away and pick her up—do I sound like I’m speaking from experience?), plan that time to do some gospel study on Tuesday and Thursday.


Maybe you wake up 10 minutes earlier to read a few verses and pray.


You can plan to listen to scriptures while going on a morning walk or run.


Post a rough schedule or plan somewhere you can see it daily.


Make sure to plan for a lot of changes in your schedule—because they surely will happen.

What is your study schedule like right now?

#9 Listen to an uplifting podcast.

There are so many good podcasts that share goodness and light. I have several favorites I listen to each week without fail that inspire me to do good. Most I listen to while driving, getting ready for the day, exercising, or cleaning my home.

A few of my favorites are (kind of by genre and in no particular order):

What is your favorite podcast?

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