10 Final Simple Summer Scripture Study Ideas

10 more Simple Summer Scripture Study ideas that create a relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in quick and easy ways.

10 Final Simple Summer Scripture Study Ideas

Summer is in full swing! Camping, swimming, park days, late nights, fireworks and more! We are constantly on the move in summer!

Routines seem to fly out the door in the summertime it can be hard to find time to study the scriptures and connect with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Finding a minute or two to make that connection can be hard to find.

One solution is to find quick and easy ways to study the gospel of Jesus and Christ that can be done quickly while on the move.

Here are 10 more simple scripture study ideas  using personal learning styles that can easy be incorporated into personal and family study during the summer.

Let’s find simple, doable ideas to connect with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in easy ways.

Each idea can be used for personal scripture study, family scripture study, Come Follow Me, General Conference talks, and more.

#21 study Come, Follow Me

read and study one section of the weekly Come, Follow Me lesson

Individual Learning

read alone, ponder, journal

Book Learning

reading, cross-referencing, writing

STEM Learning

read in order, marking specific scriptures and phrases

#22 dedicated study space

Make a dedicated scripture study place with all your favorite books, pens, pencils, etc.

Individual Learning

special study area

STEM Learning

putting supplies in order

#23 read favorite quotes

Read 5 favorite quotes from General Conference talks, etc.

Individual Learning

read alone, ponder

STEM Learning

read a specific number

Visual Learning

looking for favorites that are highlighted

#24 listen on a road trip

Listen to the scriptures, a General Conference talk, devotional, uplifting music, or a podcast while on a road trip

Social Learning

talk with others in the car

Individual Learning

listen alone, ponder,

Book Learning


Music Learning

hearing the cadence of a voice

#25 listen to a Come, Follow Me podcast

Listen to your favorite Come, Follow Me Podcast

Social Learning

talk with others about what you learned

Individual Learning

listen alone, ponder, journal

Book Learning

listening, note-taking, summarizing

Music Learning

hearing the cadence of a voice

#26 watch a church movie

Watch Bible Videos or Book of Mormon Videos

Social Learning

talk with others about what you learned

Individual Learning

watch, ponder,

Book Learning


Music Learning

background music

Visual Learning

watching a movie

#27 memorize a scripture

Find a favorite scripture to memorize, repeating it over and over again in your mind.  Write it on a card or put it as your screensaver so you see it often.

Social Learning

share your scripture with others

Individual Learning

practice alone in your mind

Hands-on Learning

memorize as you clean, exercise, hike, etc.

Book Learning


STEM Learning

putting words in the correct order

Music Learning

hearing the cadence of your own voice

Nature Learning

memorizing outside

Visual Learning

seeing the words on a card or your screen saver

#28 add stickers

Find stickers to add to your scriptures to add color

Individual Learning

choose personal favorites

Hands-on Learning

sticking in stickers

Visual Learning

adding visuals and color

#29 study phrase from a song

Choose one phrase from a favorite song or hymn to study.

Social Learning

share your phrase with others

Individual Learning

ponder the meaning of the phrase

Hands-on Learning

think about it or listen on repeat as you clean, exercise, hike, etc.

Book Learning

reading, listening

Music Learning

phrase from a song

#30 listen at the park

Listen to the scriptures, a General Conference talk, or devotional while your kids play at the park

Social Learning

talk with others at the park

Individual Learning

listen alone, ponder,

Hands-on Learning

walking around, pushing kids on the swing, etc.

Book Learning


Music Learning

hearing the cadence of a voice

Nature Learning

being outside

Want to find out your personal learning styles?

The “Learning Style Inventory” will help you discover your personal learning styles plus give you over 100 ways to study the scriptures using your personal learning styles.


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