10 More Simple Summer Scripture Study Ideas

10 more Simple Summer Scripture Study ideas that create a relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in quick and easy ways.

10 More Simple Summer Scripture Study Ideas

Summertime is so busy! It feels like we are always running here and there and everywhere.


Schedules are so disrupted and inconsistent that it can be hard to find time to study the scriptures and connect with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. One or two minutes of solitude can be hard to find.


I have a solution–find quick and easy ways to study the gospel of Jesus and Christ that can be done while in the thick of summer fun.


Here are 10 more simple scripture study ideas  using personal learning styles that can easy be incorporated into personal and family study during the summer.

Let’s find simple, doable ideas to connect with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in easy ways.


Each idea can be used for personal scripture study, family scripture study, Come Follow Me, General Conference talks, and more.

#11 share online

Find and share your favorite quote on social media and explain what it means to you

Social Learning

share on social media

Individual Learning

ponder, personal application

Book Learning

reading, writing

Visual Learning

create a visual graphic to share

#12 journal

Write in your journal about a gospel lesson you learned recently

Social Learning

share what you learned with another person

Individual Learning

ponder, journal

STEM Learning

remembering sequence of events

#13 talk to a friend

Share with a friend or family member what you have been learning recently

Social Learning

talking to others

Individual Learning

share personal application

Hands-on Learning

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Book Learning

using words to communicate

STEM Learning

sharing sequence of events

#14 listen while exercising

Listen to the scriptures, uplifting podcasts, or inspiring music while exercising

Individual Learning

study alone, ponder

Hands-on Learning

exercising, moving your body

Book Learning

listening to words

Music Learning

listening to music, listening to the cadence of another’s voice

Nature Learning

being outside exercising

#15 read 5 favorites

Read 5 favorite scriptures by flipping through your scriptures or read 5 favorite quotes from General Conference (or just one)

Individual Learning

read alone, ponder,

STEM Learning

read a specific number

Visual Learning

looking for favorites that are highlighted

#16 listen to favorite song or hymn

Find your favorite uplifting song or hymn and play it on repeat

Individual Learning

listen alone, ponder the meaning of words and phrases,

Book Learning


Music Learning

listening to music, listening to the cadence of another’s voice

#17 share scripture online

Find and share your favorite scripture on social media and explain what it means to you

Social Learning

share on social media

Individual Learning

ponder, personal application

Book Learning

reading, writing

Visual Learning

create a visual graphic to share

#18 listen while hiking

Listen to the scriptures, a General Conference talk, devotional, or podcast while hiking in nature

Individual Learning

listen alone, ponder,

Hands-on Learning

hiking, moving your body

Book Learning

listening to words

Music Learning

listening to the cadence of another’s voice

Nature Learning

being outside hiking

#19 plan Come, Follow Me

Sit down and plan your Come, Follow Me lessons for the entire week

Individual Learning

read alone, ponder,

STEM Learning

planning the week

Visual Learning

overview of the week’s lessons

#20 scripture journaling

Using wide-margin scriptures, journal as you read adding questions, visuals, and colorful quotes

Individual Learning

read alone, ponder,

STEM Learning

read looking for specific things

Visual Learning

adding colorful visuals

Want to find out your personal learning styles?

The “Learning Style Inventory” will help you discover your personal learning styles plus give you over 100 ways to study the scriptures using your personal learning styles.


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