10 Simple Summer Scripture Study Ideas

10 Simple Summer Scripture Study ideas that create a relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in quick and easy ways.

10 Simple Summer Scripture Study Ideas

I get it!


Summer is crazy busy with kids, vacations, pool parties, reunions, camps, and everything else!


It can be so hard to find time to study scriptures during the summer time when kids are home and schedules and routines are not so strict.


Here are 10 simple scripture study ideas  using personal learning styles that can easy be incorporated into personal and family study during the summer.


I am all about finding simple, doable ideas to connect with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in easy ways.

These ideas can be used for personal scripture study, family scripture study, Come Follow Me, General Conference talks, and more.



#1 study while eating

Read a few verses from the scriptures or part of a General Conference talk while eating breakfast or lunch

Individual Learning

studying by yourself in a quiet place with no distractions

Hands-on Learning

reading while using your five senses and eating food

Book Learning

reading in the scriptures, on a device, or in a magazine

#2 listen while gardening

Listen to the scriptures,  General Conference talk, or uplifting podcast while gardening or doing yardwork.

Individual Learning

listening alone

Hands-on Learning

moving your body

Book Learning

listening to the words

Music Learning

rhythm in the reader's voice

Nature Learning

being outside and caring for plants

#3 study with commentaries

Study the scriptures or Come, Follow Me lesson with additional commentaries and resources. (The seminary and institute manuals are favorites.)

Individual Learning

study alone in a quiet place

Book Learning

reading, using additional resources to learn

STEM Learning

reading from the beginning to the end

#4 read outside

Study the scriptures, a General Conference talk, a name of Christ or Come, Follow Me lesson outside or sitting in the sunshine (this will make your heart so happy)

Book Learning

reading the scriptures

Nature Learning

sitting outside or in the sunshine

#5 daily scripture or quote

Read a scripture or uplifting quote daily from a book that includes content for every day of the year

Individual Learning

read alone, ponder,

Book Learning

reading, reading several times during the day

STEM Learning

read in sequential order, daily material, specific daily reading, numbered reading

Visual Learning

visual daily reminder, read several times throughout the day

#6 character study

Study one person in the scriptures. Study their physical and spiritual attributes. Study the change they made in their life over time.

Social Learning

learn about others

Individual Learning

study alone, ponder, journal

Book Learning

reading, writing, researching your personal, cross referencing

STEM Learning

study the beginning, middle, and end of their story

Visual Learning

create a visual picture of your person, study artwork of the person

#7 watch a General Conference talk

Watch a General Conference talk, a church devotional address or BYU Devotional and write down thoughts and impressions that come.

Social Learning

watch with someone, discuss what you learned

Individual Learning

watch alone, ponder, journal, self-reflection

Book Learning

listening to the words, writing thoughts, note taking,

Music Learning

listening to the rhythm of the speaker’s voice

Visual Learning

watching a video

#8 make food

Make a food item you read about in the scriptures (this week for CFM we are studying Ruth–make wheat bread since she was gleaning in the wheat fields)

Social Learning

cook with family or friends

Individual Learning

cook alone, ponder,

Hands-on Learning

mixing, tasting, smelling,

Book Learning

read the recipe, writing

STEM Learning

following a recipe step by step

#9 define words

Using several dictionaries, define a word or two from your reading and write your own definition for each word.

Individual Learning

study alone, ponder, journal, writing personal definitions

Book Learning

reading, writing, defining words

#10 study farming practices

Study to understand farming practices in ancient times (study “Gleaning” as you study Ruth this week for Come, Follow Me)

Social Learning

learn about other cultures, relate your life to others

Individual Learning

study alone, ponder, journal

Book Learning

reading, writing

STEM Learning

study planting growing sequences

Nature Learning

learn about planting and gathering

Visual Learning

create a visual picture of farming practices

Want to find out your personal learning styles?

The “Learning Style Inventory” will help you discover your personal learning styles plus give you over 100 ways to study the scriptures using your personal learning styles.


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