MUSIC LEARNING STYLE Musical Learning Style-- "music smarts"
- Love music (listening, singing and/or playing)
- Taps out rhythms
- Enjoys performing
- Always listening to music
- Learn and memorize best when information is set to music
- Knows the lyrics to most songs
- Sometimes can compose their own music
- Enjoys listening to a rhythmic voice
- Enjoys listening to different voices/accents at a different tempos
Keep all your materials together and easy to find and use each week as you study.
- Study scriptures with music playing in the background
- Write a song about what you are learning
- Find a song or hymn related to your study
- Study the lyrics of a song or hymn
- Memorize a scripture by putting the words to music
Want to find out your personal learning styles?
The “Learning Style Inventory” will help you discover your personal learning styles plus give you over 100 ways to study the scriptures using your personal learning styles.