COURSE -Coming Unto Christ Through His Many Names: 52 Names of Jesus Christ

Which name of Jesus Christ do you need this week? A study of 52 Names of Jesus Christ with short lesson videos, worksheets, and printable study cards to tuck in your scriptures or church bag.



“Which of Jesus’s names should I take upon myself this week?” was a question posed by Elder Jonathan S. Schmitt in the October 2022 General Conference. This course will cover 52 Names of Jesus Christ–a different name for each week of the year. Each lesson video is about 4-7 minutes long to understand how each name of Christ can help you through scripture, song, definitions, and more. Which name do you need this week?

52 Names of Jesus Christ” will look like..

  • Course videos are available for 52 different names of Christ. Each video is between 3 and 9 minutes long. Most vides are 5-6 to minutes long each.
  • Each lesson will have PDF worksheets to accompany each name of Christ which will be available for download with each lesson which includes a definition of the name, a scripture chain, and a hymn.
  • Small cards are available to download and print to tuck in your scriptures or church bag to study during the sacrament.
  • Questions and Answers available in our Voxer community
  • and more

Course includes:

  1. 250+ page Workbook with four study sheets for each name of Christ (Value $70)
  2. Voxer Communication (Value $60)— a voice and/or texting app to communicate with me and other members of the class


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