40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 29
TALK: “A House of Sequential Order” by Elder Vaiangina Sikahema

“Through His atoning sacrifice, the Savior helps us to restore order to our lives made chaotic or out of sequence by our own or others’ poor choices.”
-Vaiangina Sikahema
“And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.
“And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
“For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matthew 26:26–28).

“The Lord teaches us individually according to our capacity to learn and how we learn. Our growth is dependent on our willingness, natural curiosity, level of faith, and understanding.”
-Vaiangina Sikahema
“May we live our lives with order and seek to follow the sequence the Lord has outlined for us.”
-Vaiangina Sikahema
“We will be blessed as we look for and follow the patterns and the sequence in which the Lord teaches what’s most important to Him.”
-Vaiangina Sikahema
- What has been the sequence of my life?

STEM LEARNERS: Highlight all the order and lists that Elder Sikahema shares in this talk.
Sequence, order, line upon line, precept upon precept. I love the order the Lord has set up in His church. Blessings come as we live our lives in sequential order. What a blessing it is that we have a Redeemer who will “rescue us by any means” when we live a little out of sequential order and we turn back to Him. Christ can help us restore order as we turn to Him and remember Him through the sacrament each week—where we individually find the one piece of Christ we need this week.
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- 40-Day General Conference Challenge Reading Schedule
- “5 Inspiring Ways to Study General Conference Talks” blog post
- “Looking for A Way To Read General Conference Talks That You Love” blog post
- Work and Wonder “A House of Sequencial Order” Blog Post
- 3 Things to Know by Kristen Walker Smith–“A House of Sequential Order“
- “October 2021 General Conference Quote Printables” by Aretta at My Upside Down Umbrella
- 40-Day General Conference Study Guide- October 2021
- “A House of Sequential Order” Study Guide
- “Work and Wonder General Conference Workbook April 2022” (Affiliate Link)
- “Work and Wonder General Conference Workbook For Youth April 2022” (Affiliate Link)
- “Work and Wonder General Conference Workbook For Kids April 2022” (Affiliate Link)
- FHE on the Go Podcast
Purchase a 50+ page workbook which will help you read, study, and record insights from each General Conference talk from October 2021 while using the 8 learning styles. Includes a page for each General Conference talk with reflection questions, a place for notes, and a learning style study idea (unique for each talk)

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