“A Mighty Change of Heart: ‘I Have Nothing More to Give You'” by Eduardo Gavarret

40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 6

TALK: “A Mighty Change of Heart: ‘I Have Nothing More to Give You’” by Eduardo Gavarret


Dear brothers and sisters, young people, and children, as we participate in the conference this weekend, let the words of our prophets, which will come from the Lord, enter our hearts to experience a mighty change.”

Eduardo Gavarret


 “Today is the day to decide to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. ‘Lord, I give You my heart; I have nothing more to give You.’”

Eduardo Gavarret


 “And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters.”

-Mosiah 5:7


 “This mighty change of heart brings us a feeling of freedom, trust, and peace. This change of heart is not an event; it takes faith, repentance, and constant spiritual work to happen. It begins when we desire to submit our will to the Lord, and it materializes when we enter into and keep covenants with Him.”

Eduardo Gavarret


How do we obtain that mighty change of heart? It is initiated and eventually occurs when we study the scriptures to obtain the knowledge that will strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ, which will create a desire to change; when we cultivate that desire through prayer and fasting; when we act, according to the word studied or received, and we make a covenant to surrender our hearts to Him, just as with King Benjamin’s people.”

Eduardo Gavarret


When we give our hearts to God, we are rescued from the raging seas of this life, and in the process we are refined and purified through the Atonement of Christ and become ‘children of Christ,’ being spiritually ‘born of Him.’”

Eduardo Gavarret


  • When have I had a mighty change of heart?


VISUAL LEARNERS: Draw pink hearts whenever you see the word “heart” throughout this talk that implies a soft heart and a blue heart when it implies a hard heart.


Allowing our hearts to be changed can be a very vulnerable thing. Sometimes we want to hold on to things that we don’t want anyone else to fix because we think we have the best solutions already. The times I have turned my heart and my will over to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, I have found they can make things a whole lot better than I could have ever done. Why is it so hard?




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