40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 30

“As each new temple is dedicated, the saving power of Jesus Christ expands throughout the world to counteract the efforts of the adversary and to redeem us as we come unto Him. As temples and covenant keepers grow in number, the adversary grows weaker.”
–Kevin R. Duncan
“O Lord God Almighty, hear us in these our petitions, and answer us from heaven, thy holy habitation, where thou sittest enthroned, with glory, honor, power, majesty, might, dominion, truth, justice, judgment, mercy, and an infinity of fulness, from everlasting to everlasting.”
-Doctrine and Covenants 109:77

“We should not be surprised, then, when even someone not of our faith recognizes the majesty of what happens in the temple. What could become common or routine for us is sometimes seen in its splendor and majesty by those who hear it or feel it for the very first time.”
-Kevin R. Duncan
“Let us as disciples of Jesus Christ also praise our holy God and rejoice in His goodness to us. ‘What do we hear in the gospel which we have received?’ Truly ‘a voice of gladness!’”
-Kevin R. Duncan
“I witness that you will feel joy more and more as you enter the holy temples of the Lord. I witness that you will experience the joy He in turn has for you.”
–Kevin R. Duncan

- What miracles have I seen as I worship in the house of the Lord?
“Philidelphia Temple Holiness to the Lord” by Jackie Flowers
“House of the the Lord” by Brent Borup
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- 40-Day General Conference Challenge Reading Schedule
- “5 Inspiring Ways to Study General Conference Talks” blog post
- “Looking for A Way To Read General Conference Talks That You Love” blog post
- “6 Ways to Make General Conference More Enjoyable” blog post
- “Using Floors, Stairs, and Ceilings With the 40 Day Challenge” blog post
- Free PDF General Conference Wide Margin April 2023 by Courtney Casper
- “April 2023 General Conference Mini Quote Printables” by Aretta at My Upside Down Umbrella
- “General Conference April 2023 Quotes” from My Computer is My Canvas
- 40-Day General Conference Study Guide- April 2023
- General Conference Study Guides and Lesson Helps from Love, Pray, Teach
- General Conference Study Guides from My Upside Down Umbrella
- Conference on the Go Podcast

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