_“Come Into the Fold of God” by Randy D. Funk April 2022 blog

“Come Unto the Fold of God” by Randy D. Funk

40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 38

TALK: “Come Into the Fold of God” by Randy D. Funk

NAME OF CHRIST: Good Shepherd

“But the Good Shepherd—our true shepherd—is always good. Within the fold of God, we experience His watchful, nurturing care and are blessed to feel His redeeming love.”

-Randy D. Funk


 “I bear witness of the love of our Heavenly Father and our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and of the peace that comes only from Them—the inner peace and the blessings found in the fold of God.”

-Randy D. Funk


I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.”

-John 10:14


The blessings that flow into the lives of those who follow the example and teachings of Jesus Christ, who choose to be counted among His disciples, are numerous, joyful, and eternal.”

Randy D. Funk


My dear friends, please continue the journey—and help others—to come fully into the fold of God.”

Randy D. Funk


“When we follow the doctrine of Christ and come into the fold through faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism and confirmation, and continuing faithfulness, Alma promised four specific, personal blessings. You may (1) ‘be redeemed of God,’ (2) ‘be numbered with those of the first resurrection,’ (3) ‘have eternal life,’ and (4) the Lord will ‘pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you.’ (Mosiah 18:9-10)”

-Randy D. Funk


  •  How do I know the voice of the Good Shepherd?


NATURE LEARNERS: Compare the care of sheep with the care we received as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


I love the name, Good Shepherd. It describes Jesus Christ and His tender care and concern for each one of Heavenly Father’s children. He cares, heals, invites, and encourages each one of us on our journey along the covenant path–no matter where we are.

Jesus will not abandon us nor forget us but will continually come and rescues us by any means, just as a shepherd searches for and rescues his sheep.

“Come into the Fold of God”




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