“Conversion is Our Goal” by Mark L. Pace April 2022 blog

“Conversion is Our Goal” by Mark L. Pace

40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 36

TALK: “Conversion is Our Goal” by Mark L. Pace

NAME OF CHRIST: Jesus Christ

“It was October 2018 when the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles invited us to learn of Jesus Christ by studying the scriptures in a new and inspiring fashion, with the Come, Follow Me resource as our guide.” 

-Mark L. Pace


 “The blood on the doorframe was an outward sign of inward faith in Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.”

Mark L. Pace


“And the children of Israel … did as the Lord … commanded Moses”

– Exodus 12:28


Many .. faithful followers of Christ have symbolically placed the blood of the Lamb of God on the entrance to their homes. They are demonstrating their inward commitment to follow the Savior. Their faith precedes the miracle. It is the miracle of one person having an experience in the scriptures and that experience being blessed by the influence of the Holy Ghost.”

Mark L. Pace


So what did the Holy Ghost teach me in these chapters this week?”

Mark L. Pace


Today, as we follow the Lord’s direction given through our living prophet, President Nelson, we are equally blessed with conversion in our hearts and protection in our homes.”

Mark L. Pace


  • What progress have I seen in my personal and family study since we started “Come, Follow Me”?


INDIVIDUAL LEARNERS: Really take time to reflect on my personal learning and conversion process as I have diligently been studying “Come, Follow Me”. What adjustments did I want to make going forward.


Conversion to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is at the center of everything we do in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Personal conversion is something I work on every single day of my life and really has no end. Every small act of turning, learning, and coming to the Father and the Son, help me along the convent path to deeper and deeper conversion.

I love how Come, Follow Me has helped me along this path as I learn, grow, and become.




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