“For God So Loved Us” by Michael T. Ringwood blog

“For God So Loved Us” by Michael T. Ringwood

40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 27

TALK: “For God So Loved Us” by Michael T. Ringwood


“..the Savior, the true source of healing and reconciliation.”

-Michael T. Ringwood


Brothers and sisters, we are the focus of Heavenly Father’s plan and the reason for our Savior’s mission. Each of us, individually, is Their work and Their glory. To me, no book of scripture illustrates this more clearly than has my study of the Old Testament. Chapter after chapter we discover examples of how Heavenly Father and Jehovah are intimately involved in our lives.”

Michael T. Ringwood


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”

-John 3:16


May we write it on our hearts and allow it to fill our souls with peace, hope, and eternal joy: God so loved us that He sent His Only Begotten Son—not to condemn us, but to save us.”

Michael T. Ringwood


This year we can learn more about God’s plan for us in the Old Testament. That sacred volume teaches the role of prophets in uncertain times and of God’s hand in a world that was confused and often contentious. It is also about humble believers who faithfully looked forward to the coming of our Savior, just as we look forward to and prepare for His Second Coming—His long-prophesied, glorious return.”

Michael T. Ringwood


No matter who you are or your current circumstances, someone feels exactly this way about you. Someone wants to return to Heavenly Father with you. I am grateful for those who never give up on us, who continue to pour out their souls in prayer for us, and who continue to teach and help us qualify to return home to our Father in Heaven.”

Michael T. Ringwood


  • How do I know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know my heart and my name?


VISUAL LEARNERS: Mark the miracles and tender mercies of the Lord in the Old Testament with a specific color or blocked off in a special way so they can be found easily.


The love of God is great for each and every one of His children–each and every person who has lived, is living, and will yet live on the earth. God’s love is so great, that He sent His Firstborn Son, Jesus Christ to overcome sin and death. So very grateful for God’s love–it is great, divine, and is for everyone!




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