“Hosanna to the Most High God” by Ronald A. Rasband April 2023 General Conference blog EVEN

“Hosanna to the Most High God” by Ronald A. Rasband

40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 34


Palm Sunday was not just an event, another page in history with a date, time, and place. Jesus Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem and the events of the week that followed exemplify doctrine we can apply in our lives today.

Ronald A. Rasband


Yea, they did cry: Hosanna to the Most High God. And they did cry: Blessed be the name of the Lord God Almighty, the Most High God.”

-3 Nephi 4:32


“We join with Christians around the world to honor Jesus Christ on this Palm Sunday. Nearly 2,000 years ago, Palm Sunday marked the beginning of the last week of the mortal ministry of Jesus Christ. It was the most important week in human history.

What began with the heralding of Jesus as the promised Messiah in His triumphant entry into Jerusalem closed with His Crucifixion and Resurrection. By divine design, His atoning sacrifice concluded His mortal ministry, making it possible for us to live with our Heavenly Father for eternity.

Ronald A. Rasband


If some of you are looking to fill what some call ‘a bucket list,’ this is it: fill your bucket with oil in the form of the living water of Jesus Christ, which is a representation of His life and teachings…embrace prophecy and prophetic teachings, act on promptings of the Holy Ghost, become a true disciple, and seek the healing power of our Lord’s Atonement. That bucket list will take you somewhere you want to go—back to your Father in Heaven.

Ronald A. Rasband


“I leave with you my blessing as an Apostle of Jesus Christ that you will diligently strive to live righteously and be among those who, with palms in their hands, will herald the Son of God, the great Redeemer of us all.”

-Ronald A. Rasband


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