Ladder of Faith Larry S. Kacher April 2022 blog

“Ladder of Faith” by Larry S. Kacher

40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 7

TALK: “Ladder of Faith” by Elder Larry S. Kacher


“A mindset of faith in the Savior unlocks the powers of heaven.” 

-Larry S. Kacher


As we accept the Lord’s will, He teaches us how to walk with Him.”

Larry S. Kacher


 “Behold my Spirit is upon you, wherefore all thy words will I justify; and the mountains shall flee before you, and the rivers shall turn from their course; and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you; therefore walk with me.”

-Moses 6:34


“Part of life’s purpose is to allow these potential stumbling blocks to become stepping-stones as we climb what I call the ‘ladder of faith’—a ladder because it suggests that faith is not static. It can go up or down according to the choices we make.”

– Larry S. Kacher


May we plant the seeds of faith deep in our hearts. May we nourish these seeds as we bind ourselves to the Savior by honoring the covenants we have made with Him.”

Larry S. Kacher


As our faith in the Savior increases, we observe a subtle shift that includes a divine understanding of our relationship with God—a steady movement away from ‘What do I want?’ to ‘What does God want?’ Like the Savior, we want to act ‘not as I will, but as thou wilt.’ We want to do God’s work and be an instrument in His hands.”

Larry S. Kacher


  • How have life’s trials brought me closer to the Savior?



Compare and contrast Nephi’s Ladder of Faith to Laman and Lemuel’s Ladder of Faith. What is my ladder of faith?


This talk reminded me of Jacob’s Ladder. We are all on different rungs of the ladder of life (rungs of the covenant path) that leads back to our Heavenly Father. It really doesn’t matter where we are but which way we are headed does matter–even if the progress is slow and small.




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