Lessons at the well Susan H Porter blog

“Lessons at the Well” by Susan H. Porter

40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 19

TALK: “Lessons at the Well” by Susan H. Porter

NAMES OF CHRIST: Savior, Jesus Christ

“Our Savior, Jesus Christ, through His atoning sacrifice, made it possible for us to be cleansed and healed, enabling us to fulfill our purpose on earth regardless of decisions of family members, our marital status, physical or mental health, or any other situation.”

-Susan H. Porter


I testify that the Savior is the salt in our lives, inviting us to taste of His joy and love. It is He who is the leaven when our lives are hard, bringing us hope and lifting our burdens through His matchless power and redeeming love. He is our light, illuminating our path back home.”

Susan H. Porter


Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.”

-John 4:10


‘What would Thou have me do?’…A loving Heavenly Father was inviting me to come to the Savior and learn.”

Susan H. Porter


I pray that we can come to the Savior, like the woman at the well, and drink of His living water. With the people of Samaria, we can then declare, ‘Now we believe, … for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.’”

Susan H. Porter



1. Our Past and Present Circumstances Do Not Determine Our Future

2. The Power Is in Us

3. “Out of Small Things Proceedeth That Which Is Great”

Susan H. Porter


  • What does the Savior want me to learn during this season of my life?


NATURE LEARNERS: Sister Porter uses living water, salt, leaven, and light to teach about the Savior. What other things in nature teach me about Jesus Christ?


This talk was a gentle reminder of the power that is within each one of us to change. To change and become a little better each and every day. A reminder that I can come to the Savior and allow Him to help me become a greater witness of Him. He accepts my meager offerings and multiplies my efforts to bless others and myself.

Lessons at the Well.




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