40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 12

“To build our lives on the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, we need to dig deep. We remove anything that is sandy or superfluous in our lives. We keep digging until we find Him. And we teach our children to bind themselves to Him through sacred ordinances and covenants so that when the oppositional storms and floods come, as they surely will, they will have little effect upon them ‘because of the rock upon which [they] are built.’”
-Jan E. Newman
“And he spake unto the multitude, and said unto them: Behold your little ones. And as they looked to behold they cast their eyes towards heaven, and they saw the heavens open, and they saw angels descending out of heaven as it were in the midst of fire; and they came down and encircled those little ones about, and they were encircled about with fire; and the angels did minister unto them.”
-3 Nephi 17:23-24

“One of our most sacred responsibilities is to help our children come to know deeply and specifically that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, their personal Savior and Redeemer, who stands at the head of His Church! We cannot allow our covenant voice to become muted or silent when it comes to Him.”
–Jan E. Newman
“Let us accept the Savior’s invitation and bring our children to Him. As we do so, they will see Him. They will feel Him. They will know Him. He will teach them. He will bless them. And, oh, how He will love them.”
-Jan E. Newman
“My dear friends in Christ, you are doing much better than you think. Just keep working at it. Your children are watching, listening, and learning. As you teach them, you will come to know their true nature as beloved sons and daughters of God. They may forget the Savior for a season, but I promise you He will never forget them!”
-Jan E. Newman

How am I helping my children know Jesus Christ?
“COMFORT THE CHILDREN” by Greg Collins @gregcollinsfineart
“FIND REST UNTO YOUR SOULS” by Eva Koleva Timothy @eva_timothy
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- 40-Day General Conference Challenge Reading Schedule
- “5 Inspiring Ways to Study General Conference Talks” blog post
- “Looking for A Way To Read General Conference Talks That You Love” blog post
- “6 Ways to Make General Conference More Enjoyable” blog post
- “Customizing Your Spiritual Experience: the 40-Day General Conference Challenge” blog post
- “Using Floors, Stairs, and Ceilings With the 40-Day Challenge” blog post
Free PDF “General Conference Wide Margin October 2023“ by Good News Brand
- “October 2023 General Conference Quotes and Phone Wallpapers” by Kristen Walker Smith
- “General Conference October 2023 Quotes” from My Computer is My Canvas
- 40-Day General Conference Study Guide- October 2023 -COMING SOON
- General Conference Study Guides and Lesson Helps from Love, Pray, Teach
- General Conference Study Guides from My Upside Down Umbrella
- My Upside Down Umbrella Conference Club Membership
- Conference on the Go Podcast

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