40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 9
TALK: “Steady in the Storms” by President Henry B. Eyring

NAMES OF CHRIST: Rock, Sure Foundation, The Way, Jesus Christ
“When the storms in life come, you can be steady because you are standing on the rock of your faith in Jesus Christ.”
-Henry B. Eyring
“The Savior knows the storms and the places of safety on the way home to Him and to our Heavenly Father. He knows the way. He is the Way.”
–Henry B. Eyring
“For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.”
-Mosiah 3:19

“When the storms in life come, you can be steady because you are standing on the rock of your faith in Jesus Christ. That faith will lead you to daily repentance and consistent covenant keeping. Then you will always remember Him.”
–Henry B. Eyring
“I plead with you to accept the Savior’s invitation. Like a meek and loving child, accept His help. Make and keep the covenants He offers in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They will strengthen you.”
-Henry B. Eyring
“I bear you my solemn witness that the Lord Jesus Christ has given you the invitation “Come unto me.” He invites you, out of love for you and for those you love, to come to Him for peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come. He knows perfectly the storms you will face in your test as part of the plan of happiness.”
–Henry B. Eyring
- During the storms in my life, how can I stay steady?

NATURE LEARNERS: Find a rock outside to place where you will see it often–a Rock to remind you to steady your faith in Jesus Christ, The Rock, when hard times come.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have always been the steady, constant, unwavering influences in my life. When hard times have come, I have found peace in Christ as I turn to them and look steadfastly at them.
Several years ago our family experienced devastation. As I turned to the Savior and remembered all I did have, I found that He helped me walk a difficult road. It was a whole lot easier with His help–so glad I did not have to experience it alone. During that time, a recurring question ran through my mind: “Which way do you face?”.
Let’s stay steady in the storms.
- “A Fourth Watch” by Haley Miller
- “I Am the Way” by Robert Pack
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- 40-Day General Conference Challenge Reading Schedule
- “5 Inspiring Ways to Study General Conference Talks” blog post
- “Looking for A Way To Read General Conference Talks That You Love” blog post
- Inklings Instagram Video Discussion -COMING SOON
- Work and Wonder Blog Post- COMING SOON
- The Divine Code Blog Post “Steady in the Storms“
- “April 2022 General Conference Quote Printables” by Aretta at My Upside Down Umbrella
- “FREE APRIL 2022 GENERAL CONFERENCE PRINTABLES” by Chrissy at Ministering Printables
- 40-Day General Conference Study Guide- April 2022
- General Conference Addresses, Journal Edition April 2022 (Affiliate Link)
- “Steady in the Storms” Study Guide
- “Work and Wonder General Conference Workbook April 2022” (Affiliate Link)
- “Work and Wonder General Conference Workbook For Youth April 2022” (Affiliate Link)
- “Work and Wonder General Conference Workbook For Kids April 2022” (Affiliate Link)
- Conference on the Go Podcast
- “Steady in the Storms” Lesson Plan

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