40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 16

“I know this is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, whom we remember and venerate at this Easter time. I know He loves us, and when we keep our covenants and put our confidence in Him, He endows us with His healing and strengthening power.”
–Benjamín De Hoyos
“And we ask thee, Holy Father, that thy servants may go forth from this house armed with thy power, and that thy name may be upon them, and thy glory be round about them, and thine angels have charge over them;”
-Doctrine and Covenants 109:22

“Since the early days of the Restoration, faithful Saints have made many sacrifices to receive temple ordinances and covenants.”
–Benjamín De Hoyos
“Dear brothers and sisters, the Lord encourages us as members of His Church to preserve our own family history, to learn from our ancestors, and to make the necessary arrangements for them to receive the ordinances of the gospel in the temples to help them to progress along the covenant path, which will bless them with an eternal family. That is a central focus of the plan of our Heavenly Father: uniting family for this life and for eternity.”
–Benjamín De Hoyos
“As we follow the guidance of the prophets and learn how to do our family history and perform the temple ordinances for our ancestors, we will experience great joy to the point that we will not want to stop doing it. The Spirit will flood our hearts, awaken our faculties to do it, and guide us as we search for the names of our ancestors. But let us remember that family history is more than just looking for names, dates, and places. It is uniting families and feeling the joy that comes from extending to them the ordinances of the gospel.”
–Benjamín De Hoyos

How has the house of the Lord been a blessing in my life?
Temple Prints at jesusisthechristprints.com
- Temple Prints at LDSart.com
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- 40-Day General Conference Challenge Reading Schedule
- “5 Inspiring Ways to Study General Conference Talks” blog post
- “Looking for A Way To Read General Conference Talks That You Love” blog post
- “6 Ways to Make General Conference More Enjoyable” blog post
- “Using Floors, Stairs, and Ceilings With the 40 Day Challenge” blog post
- Free PDF General Conference Wide Margin April 2023 by Courtney Casper
- “April 2023 General Conference Mini Quote Printables” by Aretta at My Upside Down Umbrella
- “General Conference April 2023 Quotes” from My Computer is My Canvas
- 40-Day General Conference Study Guide- April 2023
- General Conference Study Guides and Lesson Helps from Love, Pray, Teach
- General Conference Study Guides from My Upside Down Umbrella
- Conference on the Go Podcast

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