I love the scripture in 2 Nephi 25:26 which says, “And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.”
Recently, I also received a question from a follower (a question I have heard and received many times) asking “How do I build a relationship with Christ?”. A similar question asked was “How can I come to know Jesus Christ personally?”
Have you ever asked a similar question? I know I have many, many times..
One specific way we have to come to know Jesus Christ is through scripture study.
Several years ago, when we started Come, Follow Me, my family and I had a mini family council to decide what we were going to do for family scripture study. We decided we would read and discuss a small section of scripture each night.
If you have followed me for a while, you know I talk about Floors (bare minimum), Stairs (everything in between), and Ceilings (our ideal).
CEILING: Our ideal for family scripture study would be every night (remember our ideal is our very best and is something we do not reach all the time).
STAIRS: We hardly ever read seven nights together in a week, it’s more like 3-4 times per week (I have a teenager and two young adults who are currently home off and on because of college).
FLOOR: Keeping it real, there are some weeks it is only once or twice– and every once in a great while we read 6-7 times per week.
During our mini family council it was also decided that I would be the one to choose which scriptures we read. The past few years, most of the verses I have chosen teach about the life, the mission, the characteristics and attributes, and the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Why have I focused the verses we read specifically on Jesus Christ? Because reading and learning and talking about Jesus Christ helps us to know and recognize Him working in our lives.
As Brother Jan B. Newman, of the General Sunday School presidency taught in the October 2023 General Conference, “The voice of the covenant….is preserved powerfully in the scriptures. It is there that our children will come to know Jesus.” I will add that in the scriptures YOU and I come to know Jesus, too!!
To help us focus our scripture study on Jesus Christ, I will be compiling specific verses for our weekly Doctrine and Covenants reading.
I intentionally grouped them in small readings–sometimes there is only one verse, or two, or three (and every once in a while there are 4-5 verses).
The weekly readings will follow the same weekly reading blocks as outlined in Come, Follow Me. The full manual “Doctrine and Covenants 2025: Come, Follow Me For Home and Church” is available at churchofjesuschrist.org or on the Gospel Library App.
Each weekly PDF will include 7 scriptures about Jesus Christ: His life, His mission, His character and attributes and His atoning sacrifice. Also included are reflection questions and a few study ideas. There is also a page to write your own notes and impressions as you learn.
How can these 7 scripture passages about Jesus Christ be used?
- Read and discuss them during your family scripture study
- Read and ponder these few verses for your personal scripture study
- As you read the verses, mark the names of Christ (also mark the pronouns that refer to Christ in the verses–Jesus Christ is all over in the Book of Mormon)
- Share one of the passages with a friend or ministering sister during the week
- Journal how the verses can help you come to KNOW Jesus Christ
- ___________ (you fill in the blank–I know there are many more ways)
I hope this helps as you and your family come to know and love Jesus Christ and see Him working in your life.

- WEEK 1- Restoration Proclamation (December 30-January 5)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- WEEK 2- Doctrine and Covenants 1 (January 6-12)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- WEEK 3- Joseph Smith History 1:1-26 (January 13-19)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- WEEK 4- Doctrine and Covenants 2; Joseph Smith-History 1:27-65 (January 20-26)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- WEEK 5- Doctrine and Covenants 3-5 (January 27-February 2)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- WEEK 6- Doctrine and Covenants 6-9 (February 3-9)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- WEEK 7- Doctrine and Covenants 10-11 (February 10-16)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- WEEK 8- Doctrine and Covenants 12-17; Joseph Smith-History 1:66-75 (February 17-23)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- WEEK 9- Doctrine and Covenants 18 (February 24-March 2)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- WEEK 10- Doctrine and Covenants 19 (March 3-9)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- WEEK 11- Doctrine and Covenants 20-22 (March 10-16)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- WEEK 12-Doctrine and Covenants 23-26 (March 17-23)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 13- Doctrine and Covenants 27-28 (March 24-30)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 14- Doctrine and Covenants 29 (March 31-April 6)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 15- Doctrine and Covenants 30-36 (April 7-13)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 16- Easter (April 14-20)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 17- Doctrine and Covenants 37-40 (April 21-27)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 18- Doctrine and Covenants 41-44 (April 28-May 4)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 19- Doctrine and Covenants 45 (May 5-11)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 20- Doctrine and Covenants 46-48 (May 12-18)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 21- Doctrine and Covenants 49-50 (May 19-25)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 22- Doctrine and Covenants 51-57 (May 26-June 1)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 23- Doctrine and Covenants 58-59 (June 2-8)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 24- Doctrine and Covenants 60-63 (June 9-15)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 25- Doctrine and Covenants 64-66 (June 16-22)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 26-Doctrine and Covenants 67-70 (June 23-29)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 27-Doctrine and Covenants 71-75 (June 30-July 6)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 28- Doctrine and Covenants 76 (July 7-13)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 29- Doctrine and Covenants 77-80 (July 14-20)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 30- Doctrine and Covenants 81-83 (July 21-27)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 31- Doctrine and Covenants 84 (July 28-August 3)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 32- Doctrine and Covenants 85-87 (August 4-10)– “Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 33- Doctrine and Covenants 88 (August 11-17)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 34- Doctrine and Covenants 89-92 (August 18-24) “Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 35- Doctrine and Covenants 93 (August 25-31)–“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 36- Doctrine and Covenants 94-97 (September 1-7)– “Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 37- Doctrine and Covenants 98-101 (September 8-14)– “Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 38- Doctrine and Covenants 102-105 (September 15-21) –“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 39–Doctrine and Covenants 22-28 (September 22-28)– “Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 40- Doctrine and Covenants 109-1110 (September 29-October 5)– “Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 41- Doctrine and Covenants 111-114 (October 6-12)– “Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 42- Doctrine and Covenants 115-120 (October 13-19) –“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 43- Doctrine and Covenants 121-123 (October 20-26) –“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 44- Doctrine and Covenants 124 (October 27-November 2) –“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 45- Doctrine and Covenants 125-128 (November 3-9) –“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 46- Doctrine and Covenants 129-132 (November 10-16) –“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 47- Doctrine and Covenants 133-134 (November 17-23) –“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 48- Doctrine and Covenants 135-136 (November 24-30) –“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 49- Doctrine and Covenants 137-138 (December 1-7) –“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 50- The Articles of Faith and Official Declaration 1 and 2 (December 8-14) –“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 51- The Family: a Proclamation to the World (December 15+-21) –“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide
- Week 52– Christmas (December 22-28) –“Seeking Jesus in the Doctrine and Covenants” Weekly Study Guide

Seek Jesus Christ each day in the Scriptures
Receive 7 scriptures each week in the Doctrine and Covenants that testify of Jesus Christ: His life, His mission, His character and attributes, and His atoning sacrifice. A printable PDF will be sent to your inbox each Sunday.
7 scriptures for your daily personal and family scripture study centered on Jesus Christ
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