“Rise! He Calleth Thee” by Massimo De Feo General Conference April 2024 Odd Blog

“Rise! He Calleth Thee” by Massimo De Feo

40 Day General Conference Challenge DAY 11


I testify that this gospel is the answer for everything, because Jesus Christ is the answer for everyone. I am grateful for what I can see as I follow my Savior.”

Massimo De Feo


And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thouSon of David, have mercy on me.

-Mark 10:47


It is interesting that this blind man, who didn’t have physical sight, recognized Jesus. He saw spiritually what he couldn’t see physically, while many others could see Jesus physically but were totally blind spiritually.

Massimo De Feo


May we cry our testimony of Him louder than the voices around us in a world that needs to hear more of Jesus Christ and not less. May we remove the beggar’s coat that we might still wear and rise above the world to a better life in and through Christ. May we get rid of all excuses not to follow Jesus Christ and find all good reasons to follow Him as we hear His voice.

Massimo De Feo


I promise that as we hear the voice of the Lord and allow Him to guide us on the Savior’s covenant path, we will be blessed with clear vision, spiritual understanding, and peace of heart and mind throughout our lives.”

Massimo De Feo


  • How do I keep my focus on the Savior?


Healing the Blind Man” by Yongsung Kim

Healing A Blind Man” by Scott Sumner


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