Easy Tips and Ideas for Book Learners (Linguistic) using “Come, Follow Me”

BOOK LEARNER (Linguistic)

The BOOK (LINGUISTIC) LEARNING STYLE or “word smart”– is the learning style that loves words. They love to read, study how sentences are formed, define words, and write.

They also enjoy summarizing what they read, look for symbolism in what they read, and explain to others what they read. They enjoy classes and devotionals, learning from others, and taking notes.

Personal Study Ideas

Here are several easy ways to study “Come, Follow Me- For Individuals and Families” in your personal study as a BOOK (Linguistic) learner.

  1. use a dictionary to define words–While reading, look up unfamiliar and familiar words to get more understanding from key words. Looking up words in several different dictionaries can give additional meaning. The 1828 Webster’s Dictionary is a great resource when looking up words from The Book of Mormon or Doctrine and Covenants–this would have the dictionary available to Joseph Smith in his day. Another resource would be to use Strong Concordance when reading The Old Testament and New Testament. The Strong Concordance gives the Hebrew and Greek translations for words and phrases which add a deeper layer of meaning.
  2. attend an institute class–Find an institute class in your area that is studying the Old Testament this year and invited a friend or two to attend with you. There are several in my area (Northern Utah) and two of them have Zoom Links (so anyone around the world can attend). If you are interested, comment below and I can send you the information.
  3. summarize  verses frequently– Stop every few verses and summarize what you have just read in your own words. Write out your summary in a scripture journal.
  4. listen to a CFM podcast or video–Learn from others who share insights and applications through podcasts or youtube videos.  Below I share several of my favorite podcasts and youtube videos that have weekly episodes for each “Come, Follow Me” lesson. If you have a favorite I haven’t included, leave me a comment so I can check it out–I’m always on the hunt for a great podcast.
  5. scripture journal as you study– Using wide-margin scriptures, take time to write thoughts, impressions and understandings in the margins as you study. 
  6. highlight words or phrases–Find words or phrases that stand out to you and study them more in-depth. Find additional passages with this word or phrase.
  7. study key verses with the footnotes-– Take time to really study and understand a verse by reading all the scriptures listed in the footnotes.
  8. Find quotes by prophets and apostles–Find quotes that support the verses you are studying to get more clarification and understanding. The LDS Citation Index is a great resource that cites every verse quoted in General Conference.
  9. study along-side the seminary and institute manuals–these manual are a wealth of information plus they identify the doctrines and truths in each section. Additional quotes by prophets and apostles are also included to give additional clarification and understanding. Manuals for all the standard works are available on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints website (SEMINARY or INSTITUTE) and on the Gospel Library App.
  10. refer to scripture commentary books for additional understanding- there are many books available by gospel scholars that add context and background information to help everyone understand the scriptures better.

Family Study Ideas

Here are several easy ways to study “Come, Follow Me- For Individuals and Families” in your family study as  BOOK (LINGUISTIC) learners.

  1. read each verse as a family-  there is power in reading each word of the assigned reading together.
  2. memorize a verse or phrase– Find a short scripture that teaches key doctrines for your family to memorize each week. For younger children, have them memorize the key phrase in the scripture. 
  3. learn the Hebrew meaning  of a word– Learn a Hebrew word and its meaning if you are studying The Old Testament. If you are studying The New Testament learn the Greek word and meaning. Practice the new word each night at scriptures during the week.
  4. everyone read and explain one verse– Have each family member read a different verse out loud and then summarize the verse in their own words. Each family member could also share personal application to the verse they were assigned.
  5. find short quotes to share– Find quotes from our modern-day prophets and apostles related to the scriptures you are reading. Memorize a short phrase from one quote to think about during the day. 
  6. display questions or scriptures at mealtimes– Have a scripture, a quote, or questions on the dinner table where you eat. Something you can read while eating breakfast, lunch, or discuss at dinner from the lesson of the week. There are many resources available for purchase if you don’t want to create your own.

{DISCLAIMER:}  Affiliate Links may be used in this post of which I may receive a small commission. The price does not change for you. I only recommend products and tools I use or would use myself.

CFM Book/Word Learner Resources

  • Creative Come Follow Me by Meck Mom –Maria provides  weekly insight videos to explain the background for each reading assignment plus gives additional insights and personal application in her weekly course–including games, recipes, object lessons, “throw down” challenges and so much more
  • The Red Headed Hostess– weekly subscription includes weekly “Table Talk” posters to use for meal times with quotes, questions, artwork, links to videos, and so much more in their subscription
  • Love, Pray, Teach– offers a variety of activities that fit every learning style in their Family and Primary Subscriptions
  • Don’t Miss This- A Word A Week Poster  (Affiliate Link) –The Old Testament set highlights one Hebrew word each week along with its’ definition. Great visual to display in your home.
  • Come, Follow Me FHE “Essential Conversations” Flip Book–Includes 4 questions for each CFM lesson, a challenge, and a scripture. Perfect for the breakfast or dinner table to invite conversation.

Easy Tips and Ideas for Come, Follow Me using personal learning styles

"Come, Follow Me" and Learning Styles

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