Do you need a quick scripture study tip?
Do you ever need a quick and easy idea for your daily scripture study?
Have you ever find yourself jumping into bed and realizing you didn’t study your scripture today?
This happens to me frequently–sometimes I have just a small window to do my scripture study and sometimes I completely forget until I am in bed, ready to go to sleep.
What do you do when this happens? I usually try to not skip it altogether (but truth be told–that sometimes happens). Usually, I recite a few of my favorite scriptures to myself in my head–sometimes they are not word for word, but it does connect me with my Savior, since most of my favorites are about Jesus Christ and how He helps me.
Today I want to share “8 Quick Tricks to use your favorite scripture for Scripture Study” while using your personal learning styles. These ideas can be used for personal scripture study, family scripture study, and even in a class setting (Primary, Youth classes, seminary, adult classes, etc.) I recently did this in a training meeting and it was powerful to hear everyone’s favorite scriptures and why.

- Recite your favorite scripture to yourself during the day. This can be a great “pick me up” when you need a little boost, a way to redirect your thoughts, a way to “always remember Him”, and more. (Book Learners, Individual Learners)
- Have a quick scripture study session in your mind while in the school pick up line, in bed, on a walk, doing chores, or yardwork. Take time to think and ponder about your favorite scripture. Why is it your favorite scripture? How has this scripture helped you in the past? How can it help you in the future? (Individual Learners, Book Learners, Hands-On Learners, Nature Learners)
- Memorize a favorite scripture or two as you go through the routines of your day. (Individual Learners, Book Learners, Hand-On Learners, Nature Learners)
- Using your favorite scripture, write a 2-3 minute talk using your favorite scripture. You could write the talk down, rehearse it in your head, give your talk out loud to yourself, or share it with family or friends (or write a short post about it to share on social media). #sharegoodness (Individual Learners, Book Learners, Social Learners)
- Make up a song for your favorite scripture to help you memorize it or find a song or hymn that compliments your scripture (Book Learners, Music Learners)
- Find other scriptures that teach the same concepts. Make a scripture chain of verses that relate to one another. (STEM Learners, Book Learners)
- Make a visual of your favorite scripture. Write your favorite scripture in fancy lettering, decorate it and hang it where you will see it often. (Individual Learner, Visual Learner, Book Learner)
- Share your favorite scripture with a family member or friend in conversations throughout your day or on social media. (Social Learner, Book Learner)
I hope this gives you a few ideas of ways to study the scriptures that are quick and easy while using your personal learning styles too.
I have several favorite scriptures– one is Matthew 11:28-30 (come unto me and take my yoke upon you), Ether 12:41 (seek this Jesus), Proverbs 3:5-6 (trust in the Lord), and Doctrine and Covenants 88:63 (draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you). Plus I have many more.
My all-time favorite scripture (since my mission 20+ years ago) is 3 Nephi 11:14-15. I will share another Time. Until then…. Keep Seeking!
Here are a few blog posts for all 8 learning styles with ideas for “Come, Follow Me”. These same ideas can be used for all scripture study.
Wanting to see the blog post with the tips and ideas for “Come, Follow Me” for each learning style? Here are the links to the other pages: